XCrySDen --
	      CRYstalline Structures and DENsities

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Generated from build_crystal.tcl with ROBODoc v3.2.4 on Wed May 25 16:04:51 2005


 build_crystal.tcl -- animates and builds a crystal structure

 xcrysden --script build_crystal.tcl

 Anton Kokalj (C) 2003

 This is a simple script. It renders a crystal structure, and builds
 step by step bigger portions of the crystal.

 Anton Kokalj

 Sometime in February 2003
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # load the structure (the argument to scription:open is the command line
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    scripting::open --xsf $env(XCRYSDEN_TOPDIR)/examples/Xcrysden_Structure_Files/ZnS.xsf
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # resize the display window to 400x400
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    scripting::displayWindow resize 400 400
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # let us make a white background
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    set myParam(BACKGROUND)      {1.00 1.00 1.00}
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # display the structure in appropriate display-mode
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  this is for Lighting-On modes:
    scripting::lighting On
    # choose a 3D-display mode
    #scripting::displayMode3D Stick
    #scripting::displayMode3D Pipe&Ball
    #scripting::displayMode3D BallStick
    scripting::displayMode3D SpaceFill
    # #---
    # # this is for Lighting-Off modes:
    # #---
    # scripting::lighting Off
    # # choose a 2D-display mode
    # #scripting::displayMode2D WireFrame  
    # #scripting::displayMode2D PointLine  
    # #scripting::displayMode2D Pipe&Ball  
    # #scripting::displayMode2D BallStick-1 
    # scripting::displayMode2D BallStick-2  
    # #scripting::displayMode2D SpaceFill  
    # #---
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # show th crystal-cells and switch to perspective projection
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    scripting::display on crystal-cells
    scripting::display on perspective
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # first zoom the structure slowly
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    scripting::zoom +0.03 15
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # rotate a few times
    # usage: 
    #    scripting::rotate x|y|z step_size number_of_times
    # or
    #    scripting::rotate xy|xz|yz step_size1 step_size2 number_of_times
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    scripting::rotate x +3 10
    scripting::rotate y +3 10
    scripting::rotate z -3 10    
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # now build the crystal slowly
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    for {set i 1} {$i < 3} {incr i} {
        for {set j $i} {$j < 3} {incr j} {
            for {set k $j} {$k < 3} {incr k} {
                if { $i*$j*$k != 8 } {
                    scripting::buildCrystal $i $j $k
                    wait 100
    for {set i 2} {$i < 4} {incr i} {
        for {set j $i} {$j < 4} {incr j} {
            for {set k $j} {$k < 4} {incr k} {
                if { $i*$j*$k != 27 } {
                    scripting::buildCrystal $i $j $k
    for {set i 3} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
        for {set j $i} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
            for {set k $j} {$k < 5} {incr k} {
                scripting::buildCrystal $i $j $k

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This document was last modified on Wed Oct 7 16:12:17 CEST 2015